I do not have a specific way that I will prefer to die. Lol, however when it comes, I want it to be that I have lived a great and fulfilled life on Earth.

Anyway, death is a scary conversation to hold because where I come from, we do not talk about it (it is secret and sad and also scary). Notwithstanding, I love this about this writer (Nonye Alo) because she faces topics like this with great courage. Therefore, making it easier for people like us to see the bright side of things.

I wish u a continuous personal growth, thank you for this insightful writer up.

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Thank you so much for your kind words. Yes. Death is inevitable and we have to talk about it.

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Jul 1, 2023Liked by Nonye Alo

I want to die while sleeping, with a smile on my face. That smile will tell the world of the stories buried deep in my heart—of how I have lived. I do not know when I will die, but astonishingly, I find that I am not afraid of it. Death, to me, is a breath of fresh air to the icy prison of Life.

Your piece is introspective. It reminds us to look inwards and live the best way we can. We don't know whether the grim reaper lurks near or is tapping, as Edgar Poe puts it, rapping on our chamber door.

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I hope you get your wish... The best life is a fulfilled life.

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Jul 1, 2023Liked by Nonye Alo

Brilliant piece to reflect on as we go into the new month.


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Yes. A good way to start the second half for sure.😊

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Jun 30, 2023Liked by Nonye Alo

Really great piece

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Thank you so much.

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*write up

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